Mevlid Gift Set - 15 (T28076)

İndirim Oranı : %30 İndirim
KDV Dahil : €31,96
İndirimli : €18,80  + KDV
KDV Dahil : €22,37
Mevlid Gift Set - 15

Product Content :

1 Piece Taffeta Prayer Rug
1 Piece 99 'Pearl Rosary Crystal Rosary
Total Weight : 308 gr
Box Size: 20.5 X 20.5 X 5 cm

Taffeta Prayer Rug Features:

Weight: 280 grams
Size: 117 cm x 67 cm
It is easy to carry and use due to its light and thin structure.
Our Luxury Class Product
Made of Shiny Thread.
It is a kind of fabric with different colors of knitting and weft.
The quality and price of the product vary according to the quality of the yarn used and the weight of the yarn used.
What is Taffeta?: Silky Rigid Fabric with Wefts and Knitting of Different Colors, Hence Giving an Iridescent Effect as It Moves.

Features of the 99 Rosary:

6mm Diameter
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: TR
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